About Us

In Igbo (Ibo) culture, Chukwu (Chu-ku) is the supreme being, the almighty creator of the universe and everything good within it. Often associated with the sun, Chukwu is seen as a distant, unknowable force. Unlike some deities, Chukwu isn't depicted in human form, reflecting the Igbo belief that humans can't fully grasp Chukwu's greatness. The name itself is incorporated into many Igbo names, signifying Chukwu's importance and the unity between people and the divine.

This belief in a single creator helps unify people despite their diverse communities and traditions. It serves as a constant reminder that all things come from Chukwu, and that we are all connected through this divine source. Just as Chukwu created everything, Chukwu is present within everything, creating a sense of oneness among people and the universe itself.

- Chukwu-Fumnanya & Chukwu-Goziem